Look sportivo per l’autunno firmato Two Play Different!

Buongiorno ragazze,

l’autunno è arrivato ed io adoro il rumore delle passeggiate tra le foglie secche.

I colori, l’aria limpida e il clima mite, rendono questa stagione il periodo ideale per fare delle belle gite fuori porta.

Oggi ho scelto un look sportivo, comodo e molto alla moda, grazie a Two Play different.

Fatemi sapere cosa ne pensate!

Un saluto e buona giornata!


Hello girls,

Autumn has arrived and I love the sound when walking through the dry leaves.

The colors, the clear air and the mild climate make this season a great time to make nice trips.

Today I have chosen a sporty look, comfortable and very stylish, thanks to Two Play different.

Let me know what you think!

Greetings and good day!

look sportivo two play different 1 look sportivo two play different 2 look sportivo two play different 3 look sportivo two play different 4 look sportivo two play different 5 look sportivo two play different 6.1 look sportivo two play different 6 look sportivo two play different 7


Total look Two Play Different 

Bag: Rougeloup

Shoes: Vans

Sunglasses: Lamù Sunglasses 

Watch: Too Late


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