Black jeans and Tshirt
In my opinion, the most versatile look is “Jeans and Tshirt”! Combined with the right accessories can be elegant, romantic, rock, casual, chic ……
In my opinion, the most versatile look is “Jeans and Tshirt”! Combined with the right accessories can be elegant, romantic, rock, casual, chic ……
Modena, city of art and culinary culture. But not only …. walking on the edge of the center you can appreciate the street side…
Good morning girls, today I’m in San Benedetto del Tronto and thanks to brisk air and pleasant climate, I wore one “Sporty chic look”…
Avete presente quella sensazione di spossatezza che si prova dopo una notte tormentata o insonne? Io, purtroppo, ci faccio i conti ogni volta che affronto…