Must Have Fall 2014
Hello girls, Today’s article is dedicated to the “Must have Fall 2014”, heads of style that can’t miss in our outfit. I find that…
Hello girls, Today’s article is dedicated to the “Must have Fall 2014”, heads of style that can’t miss in our outfit. I find that…
Hello Girls, Today I present to you an online shop that I discovered only a few days ago, where you will find cute clothes…
“Corti Milano” is the perfect union of two worlds, the East and the West that combine to create small works of art (and not…
Hello girls, This post stems from the question I ask myself constantly after every Fashion Week, “But it’s always you? ‘. Year after year,…
Riguardando indietro, mi rendo conto che questi ultimi 10 giorni, sono stati molto intensi (ma anche molto ma molto interessanti!) Ho passato delle piacevoli serate a…
Sylvio Giardina, has a mature style in spite of his young career, his creations speak for him. Futuristic, stylish and innovative: these are the…
La nuova collezione primavera-estate 2015 di Dondup è sorprendente, esattamente come il party organizzato per la presentazione della linea. Dondup ha la capacità innata di valorizzare…
Hello girls, fall has arrived and is time to talk about new fashion trends. Here are some must-haves for the season, starting with the…
Colorati, originali ed economici: come non amare i gioielli Bling Bijoux!? Io ne ho acquistati diversi (qua trovare l'e-commerce!) e ne ho indossato uno…
Hello girls, since winter is approaching, I thought I’d write an article about collant 2014 trends, in order to inspire your next outfit, increasingly…